DiscoWorld Møllehaven 9 4040 Jyllinge - vis på kort
Butik og Telefon Tirsdag, Onsdag og Fredag
10.00 til 17.30
Lager og vareudlevering Mandag, tirsdag, onsdag torsdag og fredag
09:00 til 17:30
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Så ring gerne til vores venlige og kompetente sælger Christian Høegh direkte på hans mobil 20832425, Alle ugens 7 dage fra 09:00 til 20:00
An adjustable stage leg with a 60x60mm profile to fit into our Deck750 stage decks. Each leg has a built-in ruler for easy setup of the desired height. Available in different height ranges and useable both in and outdoors.
Set consisting of: 20 x Deck750 Stage 200x100cm Hexa 16 x 750SDC Stage Deck to Deck Clamp (set of 3) 16 x 750SDL Stage Deck Leveller (set of 3) 18 x 750LTL2 Stage Leg to Leg Clamp (2 legs) 10 x 750LTL4 Stage Leg to Leg Clamp (4 legs) 2 x 750MS20 Stage Modulair Stairs 20cm with deck connector 2 x 750MS40 Stage Modulair Stairs 40cm 2 x 750MS60 Stage Modulair Stairs 60cm 20 x 750TL Stage Telescopic Leg 80 - 140cm (set of 4) 8 x 750HR Stage Handrail 2m 2 x 750HR Stage Handrail 1m 7 x 750HRC Stage Handrail Connector (set of 2) 2 x 750HRCC Stage Handrail Connector Corner (set of 2)