In stock in our shop Delivery time: 1 workday when ordered before 15.00.
This item is in stock in our warehouse and is therefore available for pick-up instead of shipment if preferred.
Butikkens adresse og åbningstid er:
DiscoWorld Møllehaven 9 4040 Jyllinge - vis på kort
Butik og Telefon Tirsdag, Onsdag og Fredag
10.00 til 17.30
Lager og vareudlevering Mandag, tirsdag, onsdag torsdag og fredag
09:00 til 17:30
Har du brug for hjælp eller rådgivning inden du bestiller?
Så ring gerne til vores venlige og kompetente sælger Christian Høegh direkte på hans mobil 20832425, Alle ugens 7 dage fra 09:00 til 20:00
OBS: Vi har kun 4 stk. af denne vare.
The Pollux 2500 is a DMX Super animation laser with over hundred incorporated effects on the enclosed SD card. The Pollux 2500 features an analog modulation. Basically, it allows you to display up to 16.7 million colour tones and “dim” the output of the laser beam. On the back you will find a DMX in/output with 3-pin XLR and an ILDA in/out connection. An ILDA connector is the standard connector for show laser lights that connect the laser display with an ILDA cable to the laser control device. When using a DMX controller the Pollux laser offers 17 DMX channels in DMX mode. It’s also possible to set the Pollux 2500 into a sound-activated mode with the built-in microphone on the back of the laser. Including a 2GB SD card and remote control.
Powerful 2,5W analog animation laser
Red (600mW), Green (800mW) and Blue (1100mW) laser modules